Huzzah! Finally an film which is truly Australian! This film is NOT a bad copy of a film made overseas (like Two Hands), nor is it a junk box of Australian ocker stereotypes designed to sell overseas (like The Castle). Instead it is an Australian film for an Australian audience, portraying an element of Sydney culture that actually exists, that people actually experience. Wander around King's Cross at night (or Newtown, or Drummoyne), or go on the dole and you will see how accurate this film is. Unfortunately, this does make half of the film mildly inaccessible to the rest of the world (and to a lesser extent, the rest of Australia). This simply means, however, that individuals who do not know Sydney cannot experience the film at the same depth; there is still plenty for people outside Sydney in this extremely funny film. While the plot is more a background for the humour than a strong feature of the film in its own right, it hangs together well enough (in a disjointed, highly episodic way) to not distract from the extremely witty dialogue through-out. Although it does sometimes come much closer to low humour than high humour, there is enough of the latter to keep the more intellectual amongst us entertained. It really is very funny and worth the watch for entertainment alone. I do, however, urge Australians everywhere to watch this purely to encourage the Australian film industry. Bring on more Australian films of this caliber!