People who live in the U.K will recognise the cast and the format of this film as the same as a BBC tv programme called Operation Goodguys . The only exception is that there are a few big names chucked in the movie and that it is a little more adult in it's content. The whole feel of the series and this film is that most of the dialogue is improvised....or thats the way it seems. If this is actually scripted i would be very suprised because Some superb actors take part in this movie such as Ray Winston, Jude Law and Kathy Burke and they all look like they are improvising. I suspect the storyline didnt take a great deal of working out either as it is hardly gripping. This a poor british gangster movie compared to the like of Lock , Stock or Sexy Beast but it does have a certain fascination that i cant quite put my finger on. 6 out of 10.