Yeah, the makers of this show really knew how to mess things up, and they must have had the video game knowledge of a Hot Pocket. I can't recall the minute details of the show, but one thing I'll never forget was when Johnny Arcade asked, "what game has this background music?" and played the first stage music from Rescue Rangers. The first team buzzed in and guessed the right thing. "Wrong!" shouted Mr. Know Nothing Stivi "Johnny" Paskowski. "The correct answer is Battletoads!" To the best my 9 year old mind could, all I could think was, "goddam b*****d!!!" To this day, whenever I pop in Chip 'N' Dale, I shed a tear or two in memory of that god awful show and how much I loved it. I know they must have had a copy of Bubble Bath Babes or Action 52 hiding in their prize palace... *chortle*