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Turbulence (1997)
Very Silly Thriller
20 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
on the evening of the 20th June 2004 I had the choice of watching either Ray Liotta in GOODFELLAS or Ray Liotta in TURBULENCE . To be honest it wasn`t really a choice since I`d already reviewed GOODFELLAS and I hadn`t got round to seeing TURBULENCE so decided to watch the movie I hadn`t seen


As soon as the credits started I`d worked out how this movie was going to play out . Don`t ask me how but I`d got it into my head that this was going to be very similar to CON AIR with a serial killer taking over a jumbo jet with Ray Liotta`s character Ryan Weaver saving the day . In this respect my prediction was half right with a psychotic nutcase taking over a jumbo jet but it`s Weaver who`s the serial killer . I guess the producers can claim this is a shocking plot twist but for some strange reason it doesn`t feel convincing in anyway , in fact it feels downright ridiculous . Judging by the comments on this page it seems that many people like myself feel cheated as to how the story progresses , here we were expecting the doe eyed Weaver to risk life and limb to over come evil scumbags ( And getting a pardon from the President after the feds finally track down the real serial killer ) only to find Weaver`s the main scumbag

I don`t know if it`s down to the script but Liotta doesn`t make a convincing bad guy . No hold on , the more I think about it the more I believe Liotta should start taking more and more of the blame for this fiasco . It`s difficult to tell how his career might have panned out if he`d been given roles as good guys but Liotta has always seemed miscast as a violent killer and TURBULENCE proves it . Just so Stevie Wonder and all the blind people in the audience can get the point Liotta goes so over the top that he`s in danger of going into orbit - into orbit around the planet Jupiter by my reckoning , there`s no subtlety at all to Weaver and would have probably brought the film down if it wasn`t for the fact that there wasn`t much of a film to begin with

Note to Hollywood producers - Try casting Ray Liotta as a good guy . Considering he`s appeared in so many turkeys since GOODFELLAS I`m sure he`d be very cheap to employ
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