As I was watching this, sundance channel at 2:30am, I find myself p***ed that the writer(s) of _Whipped_ so graciously ripped this one off. Sheesh, there was even the dark haired, outspoken wimp who turned out to be the golden one in the end. However, _Red_Meat_ does _Whipped_ one better in that it gets inside the hearts and minds of guys better than any other movie I've seen. Up until the end, I wasn't getting it. Then as Victor and Connie sit there contentedly in the end scene... I get it. This is not a movie about three guys. This is a movie about one guy - Chris. This movie is about what happens to weak people, those who fall through the cracks - and Chris is one of those. He's never going to get out from under Stephen, and he knows it. He wishes he could, but every time he tries, he always takes the weak path: the pussy of least resistance. Weak people never make it though the years of screwing around that are your twenties and make something of it. Stephen's never going to get out and he doesn't care. Victor has saved himself, and Chris will never get out but will always be couting the Nans that would have saved him.