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It's a perfect Friday-Night Film - relaxing, unwinding, undemanding.
21 August 1999
The story has real potential - girl invents fiancé for career reasons, has to produce him on a social occasion, the guy she pays to fill the role falls for her, etc.etc . - but once it becomes evident from way out that it's abandoning any subtlety and heading for the happiest of Happy Endings, all you can do is sit back and enjoy its charm. In that sense, it's a perfect Friday-Night Film - relaxing, unwinding, undemanding. A small success - which could have been a bigger one. I'd not seen Jennifer Aniston before (WHAT!!! What planet have you been living on !!!), and I was impressed by her comic acting. She has a great range of facial expressions that she controls and times perfectly. Kevin Bacon is wasted in a silly role. Why do actors of his talents accept such thankless parts! (Well, he can enjoy the bedroom scenes with J. Aniston, I suppose . . .). Oh, incidentally, poor Jennifer has to suffer some of the worst dresses you're ever likely to see in a glossy fillum. Watch out for the cleavage-disaster that they inflict on her for her most glamorous outing.
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