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This reeks!
17 November 1999
Now, I have sat through some bad pieces before like Evil Toons and Femalien 2, but this ranks right up there. The plot is unbelievably unoriginal: "evil" rival martial arts school teams up with corporate fuddy-duddy to take over the good martial arts school. Gee, where have I more or less seen this before? (Karate Kid 1 & 3, Sidekicks, several TV shows, etc.) The script is badly written (You have to learn to put the past beside you, It's time I learned to put the past behind me, A chick kicked your butt, etc.) As a martial arts movie, it's lacking. All of your basic moves are performed since half of the cast has no background in fighting and were quickly trained for some fight scenes. The whole thing is just so predictable it's silly. The only thing I enjoyed were 5 moves and Chris Lee (the former Red Ranger and now on some WB show) with teenage facial hair. One user already put it best, don't pay to see this movie. They should pay you. I can make a better movie than this and one day I will to make up for this movie ever being made.
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