Since I first saw this in the theater it has been my favorite. Since then I've seen it countless times and I never get tired of it. The setting has a lot to do with it (the Colorado I know would be jealous), but the storyline is original and I liked how it used small town mountain folk as the heroes. There has not been a movie I can compare this too. John Lithgow plays a smart villain, but I love how he is completely out of his element--he has to follow Tucker around and that's what keeps it interesting. This is an action movie at it's BEST. I don't think I'll see another that is so entertaining.
You don't need 50,000 rounds fired to qualify as an action movie. It just has to keep you captivated, not shell-shocked.
You don't need 50,000 rounds fired to qualify as an action movie. It just has to keep you captivated, not shell-shocked.