Slapstick Stephen Chow / Wong Jing comedy, which follows the exploits of hapless but well-meaning Wai Xiao Bao (or, er, Wilson Bond) as he manages to land himself in the middle of a power struggle between warring dynasties.
The bawdy humour is purely physical enough for the movie to be enjoyed even if you have to rely on the somewhat flaky subtitles (I was watching the Deltamac version). Naturally, Chow's more verbal comedy doesn't translate well to English, but there's still plenty to enjoy in this lively spoof, including some surprisingly good kung fu, Chingamy Yau as a cheeky princess, and a cameo by Brigitte Lin to set up the sequel. Good fun.
The bawdy humour is purely physical enough for the movie to be enjoyed even if you have to rely on the somewhat flaky subtitles (I was watching the Deltamac version). Naturally, Chow's more verbal comedy doesn't translate well to English, but there's still plenty to enjoy in this lively spoof, including some surprisingly good kung fu, Chingamy Yau as a cheeky princess, and a cameo by Brigitte Lin to set up the sequel. Good fun.