It's not the best prison movie in existence but it does make jail seem like a pretty unappealing place. But the best reason to see this film is Richard Grosse's over the top performance. He makes Frank Booth look like a TeleTubbie (an evil sadistic TeleTubbie that would be written out of the show after making Tinkie get the picture). Mr. Grosse rants, raves and curses his way into one of the best performances I have had the pleasure of watching in quite some time. From the first shot of him, you know this guy is one squirrelly warden. He does a number of unpleasant things to these unlucky prisoners but the movie's shining moment comes when he deals (like a man I might add) with his sexual inadequacy with women and men. I think if the studios had any sense they would be casting him in the next two Star Wars films as Han Solo.