The glorious 80's! Only films like TRICK OR TREAT were produced in the decade of long hair, bizarre clothing, colors everywhere, heavy metal, and the slasher movies. The 80's feeling is always present through the movie as all of the popular elements of this decade appear in almost every scene.
This is an entertaining mid 80's horror film. The plot could be very popular if used today. Eddie's mistake was to listen everytime to heavy metal. His passion for the head banging music started a series of crimes, supernatural situations, and the release of an evil spirit of a psycho.
I can think of some metal bands with hidden messages but as silly as it sounds, I'm not that brave to try to play their tapes backwards. Brrrrr. Ozzy Osbourne, the "Prince of Darkness" 's appereance is great, it's appreciated by his fans. As a die hard horror fan, I enjoyed most of it's meant to be scary moments. But in particular I love the scene where the spirit appears as a green fog or something touches in a sexual way a Tiffany Amber Thiesen look alike in a dirty way if you know what I mean. What a perv the spirit resulted!
This is great 80's cheese, watch it for some mindless fun. 5/10.
This is an entertaining mid 80's horror film. The plot could be very popular if used today. Eddie's mistake was to listen everytime to heavy metal. His passion for the head banging music started a series of crimes, supernatural situations, and the release of an evil spirit of a psycho.
I can think of some metal bands with hidden messages but as silly as it sounds, I'm not that brave to try to play their tapes backwards. Brrrrr. Ozzy Osbourne, the "Prince of Darkness" 's appereance is great, it's appreciated by his fans. As a die hard horror fan, I enjoyed most of it's meant to be scary moments. But in particular I love the scene where the spirit appears as a green fog or something touches in a sexual way a Tiffany Amber Thiesen look alike in a dirty way if you know what I mean. What a perv the spirit resulted!
This is great 80's cheese, watch it for some mindless fun. 5/10.