227 was a very hilarious show in my opinion. It blended comedy and drama into each episode that was aired. As a child, I used to be glued in front of the television set waiting for 227 to come on every Saturday night at 8 p.m on NBC. In the latter years when it went off the air, weekly reruns of 227 were coming on BET and it only stayed on for a short period of time. I wish TV Land or Nick-at-Nite would air the reruns again because the shows that they air now like "The Andy Griffith Show, Gilligan 's Island, and I Love Lucy do not appeal or amuse me a bit; and besides you guys have been airing those same old tired shows forever. Just bring some black comedy shows back on TV Land like 227. I was displeased when "The Jeffersons" went off TV Land. It only stayed on TV Land for 6 months, what a shame.