This is 80s cheese at its best. The only thing that can make a retarded, 80s, after-school special on being yourself any better is to include Mr. T. Mr. T is a pillar of the 80s--an icon on par with Duran Duran and Ronald Reagan. In this film, he delivers his macho-est, corniest, most hilarious performance I've ever seen. The acting, musical numbers, and overall message are brilliantly inane. It even includes a pathetically written and executed rap number featuring the rhyming of Mr. T himself. This movie is essential to any fan of stupid campy crap, which I am indeed. If you're looking for something that you can really get into, rent Schindler's List. If you're looking to play Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Home Game, this is your film. The unintentional laughs (which I think are some of the best laughs out there) are non-stop.