I'm probably the only person that likes this installment. Even Kaufman himself doesnt care for it but I like this one. I can't really compare it to part II becuase c'mon..it's pretty much the same movie just a 2nd half. Toxie III is the 2nd half of an overlong movie that was split down the middle. It opens with an awesome scene a video store with Troma posters covering the place , some bonehead criminals pop in to cause trouble attacking the role Troma plays on consumer favorites like anything released by Warner Bros and MGM. It's also an attack on how mainstream chain video stores like Movie Gallery and Blockbuster are driving independent mom n pop video stores out which always have an awesome variety of movies..especially low budget horror on their shelves. Toxie bust in as a symbol of Troma's stance on cleaning up these corporations with some grissly death scenes..ahh how funny jump roping with intestines is. After this Toxie isnt having as much fun as he used to , he's resorted to stopping old ladies from cheating at cards..to getting kids to eat their lima beans. That annoying girlfriend Claire can get her eyes corrected with an operation..all Toxie needs is money. He signs a deal with Apoclypse Inc the corporation he ran out in Part II and gets her the operation.. And so Toxie becomes the most horrible thing of all..a yuppie. Clearly taking a stab at the Reagan era spoiled brats Toxie III has the least action in the series..in fact the entire middle is pretty lifeless until the chairman (again Rick Collins) reveals himself to be none other than the Devil himself and challenges Toxie to the Levels Of Doom. In the end..you'll just have to see it. Definitly not the best in the series..but hey..it's got it's moments see it anyway...but probably only really worth it in the Unrated Directors Cut since the R version omits most of the gore in the first half.