*** warning *** spoilers ahead (if you still feel like watching this) ** The box I bought promised "an intense thriller", "slickly shot and atmospheric" and said that it had "got rave reviews in the west". West of what? In Macao??!! This film does try though, I have to admit that, to mix the slasher genre with Dario Argento and Kung-Fu and more than a few drops of comedy (that's not funny at all!). But how it fails!
The beginning is promising where a woman is murdered with some style and finesse. From then on it's a downward spiral. The suspense is almost totally absent, the humor is crude and sexist and the performances are, with one exception, over the top. Your average school play probably has better acting. And the script just exploits old clichés like they never existed.
But I can forgive a movie for a lot of faults if it still entertains me. This one bored me to tears almost. The fast forward button came into good use about half of the running time when there was a "funny moment" or chit-chat about nothing at all. There are two very un-gory murders and a torture session that is just too much. Apparently Pauline Wong won some sort award for her part in this mess. I cannot imagine for what!? Competition must have been particularly lame that year! All she has to do (and does) in her vicious lesbian part is to give angry stares and have violent fits. Big deal!
I do enjoy bad films too, if they can entertain me. This one bored me for about 80 out of 90 minutes. So I would not recommend it to anyone except true masochists.
If you should see this movie in your local videostore, just close your eyes and pick something else at random because it is bound to be a better choice!
The beginning is promising where a woman is murdered with some style and finesse. From then on it's a downward spiral. The suspense is almost totally absent, the humor is crude and sexist and the performances are, with one exception, over the top. Your average school play probably has better acting. And the script just exploits old clichés like they never existed.
But I can forgive a movie for a lot of faults if it still entertains me. This one bored me to tears almost. The fast forward button came into good use about half of the running time when there was a "funny moment" or chit-chat about nothing at all. There are two very un-gory murders and a torture session that is just too much. Apparently Pauline Wong won some sort award for her part in this mess. I cannot imagine for what!? Competition must have been particularly lame that year! All she has to do (and does) in her vicious lesbian part is to give angry stares and have violent fits. Big deal!
I do enjoy bad films too, if they can entertain me. This one bored me for about 80 out of 90 minutes. So I would not recommend it to anyone except true masochists.
If you should see this movie in your local videostore, just close your eyes and pick something else at random because it is bound to be a better choice!