White Director/Stuntman Chuck Bail directed this forgotten Warner Bros. film that features Rockne Tarkington (well-known for starring on 70's kid show BANANA SPLITS:DANGER ISLAND) as Samson, a nightclub owner (who owns a lion) who doesn't want any drugs on his neighborhood. William Smith is terrific as a evil Johnny Napa, who wants to own the neighborhood and starts a war with Samson. Character actor Titos Vandis (who is Greek)is miscast as a italian mobster, but seems to chew up the part prettty good. The film does look cheap, and it's intresting Warner Bros. gave Tarkington a lead when it's reported that he turned down ENTER THE DRAGON (a part which went to Jim kelly). The ending is pretty good, so I recommened this film to any action fans looking for 70's actioner. Actor/Stuntman Tornatore later directed Rockne is ZEBRA FORCE and worked with him on TRAINED TO KILL U.S.A.