Though it doesn't seem to have had much, if any, English language distribution, this is one of the best pieces from Italian mega star Celantano (he did the first number in DOLCE VITA) and director Corbucci, the Italian Sam Fuller.
Possibly influenced by Fellini ROMA, it is quite ambitiously staged, with a constructed street complete with train. The conflict between the butchers and fish mongers, with cop Valli trying to keep the lid on is played for laughs. Mori (Mrs. Celantano) and her method of breaking up the fight are nice and the scene of heavy featured Adriano looking for a bigger fish is one of the best laughs I know. OK Roman fountain finale.
Innovative touches, like the deceptive end to the stills sequence titles. Good production values and Rustichelli score.
Possibly influenced by Fellini ROMA, it is quite ambitiously staged, with a constructed street complete with train. The conflict between the butchers and fish mongers, with cop Valli trying to keep the lid on is played for laughs. Mori (Mrs. Celantano) and her method of breaking up the fight are nice and the scene of heavy featured Adriano looking for a bigger fish is one of the best laughs I know. OK Roman fountain finale.
Innovative touches, like the deceptive end to the stills sequence titles. Good production values and Rustichelli score.