El Héroe Desconocido (The Unknown Heroe), is based on a novel from young Miguel Alemán (former Televisa executive and actual governor of Veracruz, México). It's a wonderful movie yet under-rated because it belongs to the years where Mexican movies were really bad.
Very interesting tale about a man with financial problems in the fictional town of Valle Verde in Mexico. Looking at old photos he "creates" a noble ancestor from his family, and go looking to collect money to raise a monument in his honor, but with the intention to keep the money to himself. The whole town changes when everyone tries to take advantage of the new unknown hero.
A very good and fun vision of the "greedy" side of Mexican people.
Very interesting tale about a man with financial problems in the fictional town of Valle Verde in Mexico. Looking at old photos he "creates" a noble ancestor from his family, and go looking to collect money to raise a monument in his honor, but with the intention to keep the money to himself. The whole town changes when everyone tries to take advantage of the new unknown hero.
A very good and fun vision of the "greedy" side of Mexican people.