A sure contender for worst film of the century, "The Apple" isn't just bad, it is insufferable. Set in futuristic 1994, this musical is basically a lame excuse for some very bad actors (except Catherine Mary Stewart in her feature film debut!) to dress in really campy outfits and sing really, REALLY bad songs. The whole mess looks like a bad outtake from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." The story: Two innocents enter a worldwide songwriting contest. The couple is unaware that the "Star Search"-type global broadcast has been rigged by the evil Mr. Boogaloo, a man who wants to take over the world with his "Bim" music. Don't ask. In short, THIS MOVIE SUCKS. You have been warned. When we ran this awful film at the Paramount Theater (now the El Capitan) in Hollywood in November, 1980, the film's distributor, Cannon Films, gave us souvenir soundtrack albums to give out to the first 1,000 customers on their way in. After the first show we had to stop giving the records out because the few customers that paid to see this disaster started throwing their 12" vinyl LPs at the movie screen during the film. No rips in the screen, just big dents, thank goodness. We then tried to hand the records out after the screenings, but most people refused to take them. In the end, we had cases and cases of the albums left over, which Cannon Films retrieved a year later to ship to some unsuspecting theaters in Israel.