The formula for a successful film incorporates good direction, a deep and talented cast, a sophisticated script, and a profound theme. This film has all of the above. The poignant theme is that of the Homefront's waiting for soldiers to safely return from the various battle zones of World War Two, with full knowledge that some would not return. In this film, released just two weeks after D-Day, the daily lives of the characters are dominated by the pall of war, and the casualty reports. Non-patriotic foils are sprinkled throughout, especially those who regularly violate the rationing system. In essence, the main thrust of the film to the audience is this: Do not despair, everyone with servicemen abroad is experiencing the same fears and emotions. Like "Casablanca" and other films produced during the war, the message of common sacrifice prevails. Everyone is in the same boat, or so says Hollywood. This film is both entertaining and instructive, as intended. If this film has a weakness, it is the title. It would better be something like "what would I do when you're no longer here to tell my troubles to?" No longer here could be for the duration of the war--or for eternity.