Saw this film in its original release and later on some television re-runs. I like the film because it allows Jerry to face the situations that make for a movie that is a lot of fun. He is called upon to watch twin babies of a girl he thinks he is in love with who is a movie star, so while she goes all over the world filming he gets a crash course in baby rearing. Connie Stevens at her best is also along as a girl who really likes him. Some of the moves she put on him are quite risque for the 50's. Jerry does it all in this film. I like this period of his career after he broke up with Dean Martin. He made some great films until he transferred to Columbia. He seemed to get too much control of what he did and most of these films are quite unfunny. The wonderful Paramount's including this film, Who's Minding the Store, and his best in my opinion The Nutty Professor show him in his heyday. It's hard to imagine a theater full of families laughing so hard but I assure you they did, I was there.
Review of Rock-a-Bye Baby
Rock-a-Bye Baby
Typical Jerry Lewis of the day. Provides showcase for his talents.
28 December 1999