This movie tells a little-known true story of heroism on the part of a small group of Italian Navy men. The story focuses on the Italian frogmen who entered the harbor at Alexandria and sunk a British ship with limpet mines.
It is interesting for its technical as well as historical details. Eleonora Rossi Drago as a dancer with eyes and ears for intelligence adds a human and romantic element to the tale. The story, with lots of intervening suspense, ends with the British commander of the sunken warship decorating the Italian seaman who sunk his ship with the Medaglia d'Oro, Italy's Medal of Honor, at a NATO ceremony.
It is an entertaining movie which I would like to see again.
It is interesting for its technical as well as historical details. Eleonora Rossi Drago as a dancer with eyes and ears for intelligence adds a human and romantic element to the tale. The story, with lots of intervening suspense, ends with the British commander of the sunken warship decorating the Italian seaman who sunk his ship with the Medaglia d'Oro, Italy's Medal of Honor, at a NATO ceremony.
It is an entertaining movie which I would like to see again.