This show is pretty disgusting showing the truth of Texas youth football. These coaches and even parents are batshit crazy and teach nothing about hard work and sportsmanship but about how to cheat bend rules hurt other players. Coaches not pushing their kids to their limits but commuting cruel and unusual punishment. Making kids run way more excessive conditioning then necessary in 99 degree weather. I play football and I played youth football what they do is ridiculous. Straight helmet to helmet contact. Coaches swear and tell their kids to hurt other player and cheat to get an advantage. They say there trying to make sure these kids aren't soft which kinda makes sense for football but they push it way beyond the limits. Despite all that the show is entertaining in showing the true craziness that is Texas football. And these 8 year olds are aweso athletes they hit hard, run fast, they look like high school players out there. Good football games and intense match ups. Overall entertaining to watch but also disgusting.