I got this movie for free on Google so I didn't lose any money. I figured worse comes to worse it's boring and I can delete it and lose nothing.
I was pleasantly surprised by how cute it was and it actually had a few jokes that made me laugh. Nothing new or spectacular about the whole "opposites have to work together" premises but it's tried and true so if it ain't broke don't fix it. I don't know what the deal is with people calling it Christian brainwashing or indoctrination, it literally never mentioned God or showed Noah (or any human for that matter) on screen. It's a movie about weird animals that find out how to deal with a crisis and have a happy ending. Nothing religious involved at all besides the setting. You could take Noah and the ark out of the movie entirely and achieve the same outcome. So don't let the rabid anti religious review (you know who you are) and the confusing evolution vs. creationism (you too) thing that cropped scare you away from this movie. Your kids will probably like it, it's face paced and the jokes and slapstick comedy are pretty rapid fire. It's a turn your brain off movie for children, not an art house flick.