People dont realize logging is a dieing industry, that we need to survive... canada is over 80% woodlands and half of it is desolation of snow and uninhabitable, canada cities is very thinly spread out in this mass of woods, the second largest country in the world is mostly uninhabitable woods and snow, these people in the show work with the the natives to insure only to cut the rotting trees. Trees are a society on there own that talk from one forest end to the other letting it know disease is coming and to help protect itself from this eventual threat, rot spreads, and they fly high in helicopters looking for specific tree's not just any tree. But a specific type and the natives give the ok, if no ok no cut.... People that complain about this show for green purposes are uneducated Nancie's... society needs this. This profession needs to continue.. the natives in the 1800 cut trees and did control burns in order to maintain the forests growth. This is no different, cut a few trees to save a forest. While giving a country economic resources. This show is not just entertaining but it is drastic to the future of the Canadian economy. We all cant be welders, influencers and desk jockies, society needs loggers. Society needs this show to bring awareness to people who might not otherwise know...that logging is there calling.