Sacha Baron Cohen has ploughed a career as a divisive and controversial figure in the comedy world. From Ali G to Borat, Cohen has proven adept at satirising popular's themes. Cohen's humour often exceeds the limits of good taste whilst conning ordinary people into revealing their abhorrent views in mockumentary style.
The Brothers Grimsby is no exception in the toilet humour stakes - the movie is often depraved, sickening and disgusting. And yet, it must be said that unlike much of the comedy trash put out by movie studios today, there are genuine comedic moments that make you laugh out loud. For this reason, the film is worth watching. Playing a character obviously inspired by Liam Gallagher, Cohen offers a range of puerile, immature and foul-mouthed gags that may be in bad taste or potty-mouthed but are often incredibly funny.
This comic bravery makes the film watchable, although certain elements were tough to entertain (the elephant scene, sucking out poison and so on). But if you dig through the depravity, there are some fabulous comic one-liners and Cohen is supported brilliantly by Mark Strong (who plays it straight) and Rebel Wilson (who really doesn't!)
To be honest, creating a film that delivers such unashamed filth and yet makes you laugh uncontrollably is a work of genius. Pushing the boundaries of decency is Cohen's trump card and if you have the stomach for it, its worth a watch.