The movie is nothing special but the message is crystal clear. We are heading to a new era in which christianity will no more tolerated by the antichrist new world order which spread the corona virus 5 years ago and who want the elimination of half the earths' population so that they can controll the rest of the survivors so to serve them faithfully and just cause christianity is a problem they try to figure ways to eliminate that disease.
So they found the woke agenda and with the pretext of human rights no matter if they are right or not they try to persuade people that loatki community is normal and all the majority who protest against this anomaly should shut the hell up and obey the new order.
To do so christianity must perish.
This film shows how american government try to oppose christ with the pretext of serving human rights.
The coming of antichrist have been prophesized centuries ago and as it seems we are heading closer to this day as years go by and the new technology becomes more and more part of our lives as we are already slaves to the new smartphone technology as they promote this way of life so that we forget that we are humans and not robots like they wanna make us.
This the truth and whoever hear my voice hears the truth. That's what our lord jesus christ said when he was alive some 2000 years ago when there were no beep techology to control humanity.
Maybe that's why he came 2000 years ago to earth to spread gods' teachings and did not came today.
He knew what he was doing.