Souleymane's Story is a gripping and deeply human tale that sheds light on the struggles of asylum seekers in modern Paris. Directed by Boris Lojkine, the film follows Souleymane, a food delivery cyclist racing against time to prepare for a critical interview that could determine his future. In just 91 minutes, the narrative delivers an unflinching portrayal of survival, hope, and the emotional toll of uncertainty.
Abou Sangaré's performance is a revelation, capturing the vulnerability and determination of a young man caught between the harsh realities of his daily life and the weight of his dreams. The supporting cast, including Nina Meurisse, adds depth to the story, highlighting the fragile human connections Souleymane forms along the way.
Lojkine's direction is understated yet powerful, using the streets of Paris as both a backdrop and a character in itself. The cinematography immerses the viewer in the city's contrasting beauty and hostility, mirroring Souleymane's inner turmoil. The film's pacing is tight, and its realism leaves a lasting impact, compelling viewers to confront the humanity behind headlines and statistics.
Rating: 8/10 - A heartfelt and necessary exploration of resilience in the face of systemic challenges.