This is an 8-ep, 30 mins each, dark comedy thriller that has steadily been gaining some popularity by word of mouth. Call it a...'breezy' crime thriller; which doesn't make sense, because you'd use 'breezy' for something lighthearted and not for shows/films about murder but here we are.
The protagonist is an overworked, undervalued employee at a law firm whose life is beginning to fall apart, and his asks him to sign up for a series of classes on Mindfulness. As expected, he's totally against, as he calls it, 'such BS' but as the plot goes on, he buys into the idea of mindfulness to get rid of his 'problems' in life. Can't reveal anything more without getting into spoilers.
As he attends these classes, you hear everything you've seen/heard/practiced on mindfulness. The writing is so well done that you're likely to take deep breaths and follow along with the class instructor.
While the show isn't mind-blowing, in fact, one may even find several flaws, but if you're looking for something quick and different to watch, I'd totally recommend this show on Netflix. It's surely worth a watch.