GAC's fourth installment in their 2023 Christmas productions comes with new faces, Ash Tsaj, who plays the role of a famous influencer, turned model, and Joey Heyworth, the limo service owner/driver that takes her in a winter charity tour and journey, through bad weather and unplanned deviations, to an L. A. destination, important for her career. Forced to stop at his family home, they bond, while she revels in the simple joy of a family's Christmas activities and he deals with the ghosts of a previous relationship. What makes the story somewhat original, and typically GAC, is that she is absolutely no diva, a wholesome, kind person, totally unselfish and genuine. I found Ash Tsaj quite charming in her part and hope GAC plans to grace future productions with her talent. Joey Heyworth looks, perhaps, a little less at ease in his acting, though he does contribute to the atmosphere of warmth that the entire cast and the story creates. The only harsh character is the manager, who fails at molding her into a self- absorbed, greedy personality. Which makes me ponder on the difficulties self imposed by GAC and Hallmark of old. How can you create entertaining drama without the crude situations, stunning effects, perverted feelings, flawed characters, and scandalous behaviors that are main, when not sole, ingredients of much of modern cinematography? When all characters are, admittedly, unrealistically wholesome and good? As far as seen in the initial entries of their Christmas movies line-up, GAC appears to have successfully achieved their intent and provided real Christmas movies.