Scott Eastwood, a star on the rise, takes a break from massive blockbusters ('Suicide Squad', 'Fate of the Furious') to play Drew, a struggling LA lawyer hoping to hop careers and catch his big break as an actor in the indie comedy 'Walk of Fame'. Unfortunately for Drew—but fortunately for audiences—the eclectic cast of characters he meets at the prestigious acting workshop Star-Maker Academy drag him down with them into lunacy. These wannabe thespians' uncontrollable lust for wealth and fame incites the film's outrageously over the top gags. 'Fame' delights in skewering the brutal business of trying to make it as an actor in the competitive Hollywood industry. In many ways, this approach (of ridiculing the industry depicted in the film) parallels Ben Stiller's 'Zoolander', which derived countless puns and gags from the pretentious modelling underworld. Any fan of raunchy comedies will find a lot to love here.