While only ever having spawned one official sequel, The Ouija Experiment 2: Theatre of Death (2015), the German distribution company Great Movies went on to give the "Ouija Experiment" title to several more unrelated horror movies, namely: -The Ouija Exorcism (2015), renamed to "Das Ouija Experiment 3: Der Exorzismus" [The Ouija Experiment 3: The Exorcism] -Ouija Summoning / You Will Kill (2015), renamed to "Das Ouija Experiment 4: Dead in the Woods" -Ouija 3: The Charlie Charlie Challenge / Charlie Charlie (2016), renamed to "Ouija Experiment 5: Das Spiel" [Ouija Experiment 5: The Game] -Jonah Lives / The Ouija Possession (2015), renamed to "Das Ouija Experiment 6: Das Erwachen des Bösen" [The Ouija Experiment 6: The Awakening of Evil] The company also released a DVD collection called "Das Ouija Experiment - Teil 1-9: Das Geheimnis des teuflischen Spiels" [The Ouija Experiment - Part 1-9: The Secret of the Evil Game], which includes the two original movies, the four renamed movies listed above (partially renamed yet again), as well as Evangeline (2013), renamed to "Ouija - Rache aus dem Jenseits" [Ouija - Revenge from Beyond], and two more unidentified movies named "Das Geheimnis des Rabenspieles" [The Secret of the Crow Game] - presumably from 2008 - and "Teuflisches Puppenspiel" [Diabolical Puppet Show] - presumably from 2011.