There is a very sensitive subject to this documentary, which admittedly is not the first, and I wholly acknowledge that. However it has had the benefit of access to some names more closely linked to the subject matter than some other documentaries.
For those in the UK, this entire scandal has been an eye opener, and Ghislane Maxwell is only part of the story, however this doc is supposed to delve deep into her psyche but I don't think it succeeds. I personally found it mostly shallow in that respect. I don't think we found any true answers. It goes without saying our disgust on what she was wholly involved in, and this documentary really I felt struggled to give us anything new to spear her with. Her psyche wasn't investigated enough.
There are a number of very good aspects, and my due respect to the victims and those who assisted them in their journey to win justice. I just felt that there was more to say and provide information, and this documentary just felt as if when it tried to attempt to give an overview of Ghislane Maxwell it never said anything what isn't much already known or was just guesswork. I just feel there is more disturbingly to this story.
I assume legal reasons limits what could be delved into, which is frustrating but as long as she is not made some icon, then the better for it. I feel this documentary thankfully avoided that and did well in that par.
In any case, I found this not the most helpful documentary. She is (understandably & correctly) a new public hate figure, and she will hopefully serve the rest of her life behind bars. There are though others involved still to be challenged on their involvement and so this should not all stop here. To her victims, my respect to you all, and I hope further justice for you and everyone affected.