Overall I enjoyed watching this show. The atmosphere was good, the drinks were beautiful and the sound design really brought out that component of making cocktails. I was impressed with the range of ingredients and techniques on display.
There was a strong impression that the contestants had time to prepare before each of the challenges to make a plan, and potentially even to organize the availability of their inhredients. How the hell would they have hay just lying around on the shelf?
The one thing that stood out very negatively was the way the judges' comments were utilized. They need to be a core ingredient to the show, as their descriptions are the only way we as the viewer can really experience these cocktails. Often the comments were cut too short and decisions were not explained enough. This is especially true for the final judgement, which came without any explanation whatsoever. Personally, I felt like one of the other finalists should have won (no spoilers). But most importantly, the decision should have been explained much more transparently.