It is, by no means, a movie I would refer to as "great", but, compared to the other "Lake Placid" sequels, this is, indeed, a significant improvement.
I liked the original with Jane Fonda; that's why I kept watching the sequels, but, up until now, the sequels have been simply horrendous. Perhaps, that's the reason why I actually liked this one; it was a significant upgrade from the previous sequels.
Yancy Butler was, of course, the highlight of the movie. I don't think it would've been worth watching without her.
I thought the main downside was the fact that the movie lacked the subtlety of the original. This one was clearly going for more action and more gore. And that was a mistake if you ask me.
Also, I'm not sure why they called it "The Final Chapter" as the ending suggests a potential sequel.
To summarize: A below-average movie if viewed by itself. If, however, you watch it having seen other "Lake Placid" sequels, you will be pleased to find that this is basically the only sequel that's watchable.