Synopsis: Mariem's father who is a very famous script writer, dies unexpectedly leaving behind an uncompleted movie script titled "RIVO". This script opens the door to his daughter to finally discover the truth about the secretes that were hidden from her all those years.
The show's story is very much unique and different for an Egyptian show. It feels like a love message to the 90s and early 2000s, as well as to how young people's decisions can be stupid, but at the same time, when looking back at it as a whole, there so much beauty and memories in it.
Starring the famous Egyptian band Cairokee lead Amir Eid as Shadi who's character is very well written with much careful and detail since the main story somewhat revolves around him. From his character's first appearance in the first episode to his last in the final episode, his beautiful and tragic story touches the heart and looking back at it from where he started and what he wanted to become or accomplish is even more beautiful.
The show touches on the different struggles that each of the other members of the Rivo band are going through. From their love lives to their personal issues or family issues. Which is something that I thought is more than amazing to be added and not to be left out since this is a story about Rivo at the end as a whole band, and how they came out.
Rakeen Saad's performance as Mariam is very much convincing especially throughout her anger moments. The burden of reaching the finish line of this story and script can be seen through her and only Rakeen Saad is able to portray that.
The show is able to revisit the 90s and early 2000s very accurately thanks to both the production design, custom design, and Make-up & hairstyle. From making the actors who are in their 30s look young and seem like they are in their 20s, is very much convincing. As well as their change in looks whenever we jump in different timelines throughout the past and present. The production design gives that exact same vibe of how living in the 90s feels like. Paying attention to details is important. The posters in the back that are a call out to old movies and famous bands like Queen, Rolling Stones or The Beatles, to films like E. T. and The Godfather.
Finally, Cairokee's great contribution to the soundtrack and specifically Amir Eid's voice that brought a very emotional side to the story or events of the show. Songs like Ana Negm, Ala Bab El Sema, Tayer, or Law Kan that have a major connection in terms of the lyrics that describe each character's feelings.
The show lacks a lot through the editing element as at times, it feels like a certain shot is being cut earlier than it should be as it moves on to the next shot with a not so smooth transition. In addition, it is true that 10 episodes for season 2 are too much and some episodes felt too long which caused some of them to be boring not like season 1 that had shorter episode runtimes which made every episode important and not so dull. However, at most times, this beautiful story and events make those mistakes almost not recognizable and forgettable.
My rating is: 8/10
Watched: at home.