WOW, now this was an amazing anime. Its been a long while since I was this interested in an anime and enjoyed it this much.
The characters in this anime are just AWESOME. They are so well made and you just get to love them immediately. The main protagonist is a great one. I immediately liked him and he just kept on getting better and better. Loved his dialogues and character. I self proclaimed evil mad scientist who is a actually a good guy. You get to feel for and love every main character, and even some of the side characters. Their meetings, bafoonery etc etc, its just fun to watch.
The writing and dialogue in this anime is another thing I really liked, its just awesome. The anime might seem slow paced to many because it is basically dialogue and interactions for the first few episodes but not for me. It was so enjoyable that it didn't even seemed a tad bit boring or slow paced.
Story is also a great one. It is not everyday you get to see a take on time travelling in this way, which is very personal and emotional. You get to see and feel that messing with time, even a tad bit is no joke and shouldn't be taken lightly. It can have great consequences. Even when the plot thickens and gets big, the anime never lets go of its personal touch and feeling instead of pursuing grandeur scenes. The anime is really humorous too at times. But it doesn't get way too much that a person starts cringing or groaning, which is the case with many animes. In fact, the humour in it is one of the best displayed I have seen in an anime which is not specifically a Comedy anime. It doesn't get childish or too animeish etc. It just stays right. I had a pretty good laughs at some scenes while in others a smile was always present on my face.
Animation is really good, well defined and detail and pretty to look at. Soundtrack is also really good. Sets the mood in emotional scenes and is rightly appropriate for funny scenes.
I do wish that the anime was a little longer so that they could have shown some background of some of the main characters.
Overall, I would say, a really great anime and of the best take on time travelling I have ever seen. 9.25/10