As a life long howard stern fan i had to watch this movie after spotting beetlejuice on the cover. for those of you that don't know he is the black midget with the tiny head on the cover and he is a beyond retarded person.
So right off the bat i am gonna tell you this movie blows big time. i am sure you already suspected that but you are reading the reviews to find out just how much it sucks and if it is so bad it ends up being good. sorry that is not the case.
the movie is about an hour and 45 mins but it feels like 4 hours of torture. honestly i didn't see the whole movie because at 1 point i started reading a magazine then later i was browsing the internet. it was all i could do to get through the movie.
im gonna list a few things that weren't bad because that's easier. the soundtrack, although it had no recognizable songs (except shack your ass bitch, from the stern show) the ones i heard were good. jerry lawler's performance was passable. not great but much better then everyone else. lots and lots of titties but they are porn stars so who really cares? the special effects aka the blood and guts were the only thing done right in this movie considering what it cost to make.
now the really bad. the sheer amount of head shaking in this movie makes me want to shake my head. and there is a part at the end (if you make it that far) where the girls are squatting repeatedly in fear, i am not sure anybody really directed this movie. the background or ambient music is stock or public domain because i know I've heard it in other bad low budget movies. horns and flutes and so on. there is nothing original or special about this movie.
i say skip it unless you got some buddies over and you want to play a drinking game involving drinking when you see head shakes or boobs.