Paranormal Witness is a dramatized documentary series about various people who have had paranormal experiences. I've always had an interest in the paranormal and this series peaked it even higher. The only way I can describe this show is if it was a combination of The Haunted and Zero Hour (2004). Each episode kept me on the edge of your seat with it's gritty atmosphere and unexpected scares. Even with that said, there are some episodes I have a bit of a hard time believing. For example, I thought the UFO episode and the imaginary friend episode were both a bit of a stretch. While they are still interesting, I always seem to have a hard time believing that they actually happened. But that's what makes this show so great. Even if you don't believe these stories, they're still very enjoyable. So if you have an interest in the paranormal or just horror or suspense in general, then you'll most definitely enjoy Paranormal Witness.