This movie is a decent summary of various aspects of alien contact, featuring well-known researchers like Rich Dolan or Linda Moulton Howe, military personnel like Bob Dean or Clifford Stone, Edgar Mitchell (6th man on the Moon), and many others, most of which people interested in this stuff will be familiar with. I've researched these topics for over 20 years, and I can say there's nothing wrong with the information in this movie, and nobody in it is "crazy".
The people writing all those negative reviews are morons so ignorant of the reality they live in that it's really mind-boggling in 2014. I'm actually surprised that there are still so many completely clueless people around. The other option is that they're government shills and are part of the cover-up, which would be nothing strange. After all, 1/10 ratings are usually a sign of a personal agenda rather than an objective assessment of the movie's quality.
The one obvious problem is that the movie is only 80 minutes long and tries to give an overview of a wide range of things, so if you know virtually nothing about aliens (if that's even possible), this would be a lot of information you have no context for, and it won't make much sense to you. Or rather, it doesn't have enough space to provide evidence for everything discussed. If you want an introduction into the topic, look somewhere else. This is more suitable for people who are at least somewhat informed.
The description of the movie already tells you what you'll be hearing about, so I just want to say that the information is not far-fetched in any way and is based on decades of research. For each of the topics mentioned, you can find endless amounts of information on the Internet. There's plenty of research to back up everything that's said here. If you're seriously looking for relevant information, this movie can give you an idea what's out there but doesn't have time to go into much detail on anything specific. It's only one piece of a puzzle. There's only so much you can fit into 80 minutes, but I think this movie delivers what it's supposed to.