This was not a very creative nor suspenseful film. The story line is about a drugged out petty criminal named Molloy played by Ray Liotta. His partner in crime is a scrupulous low life named Mack played by Dominic Purcell. I thought both actors played their respective roles admirably but the film fell victim to a very weak script.
Molloy agrees to rob some drug lords with the vicious thief Mack of both their drugs and the cash being exchanged. In the process of robbing the drug lords Mack falls victim to a sting operation by the police and he is arrested on the spot. Molloy on the other hand was assigned the job to drive the getaway car but before the robbery is finished Molloy suffers a severe heart failure while he is driving the getaway car up to the drug den. So both men get arrested and Mack does some heavy time in prison where he has nothing to do but plot his vengeance against his driver Molloy who stood him up whilst having a heart attack behind the wheel.
During the years that past while Mack is behind the prison walls Molloy's near fatal heart attack gives him a wake up call and he cleans up his act and moves in with a lovely woman who owns a women's clothing store. When Mack is released from prison he has no intention of reforming his evil ways, but instead goes on a personal mission to get even with Molloy who he blames for his last incarceration.
This story line is nothing new, and through no fault of the good acting by Ray Liotta and Dominic Purcell, the film just lacks any suspense and is very predictable. Mack frames Molloy during a video taped robbery and murder and then Mack really gets under Molloy's skin by showing him how easy it would be to murder Molloy's girlfriend if he wanted to do so. And this is the gist of the film two bad guys, one turns his life around and then gets tormented by his old crony who is pushing him beyond the means of most men's temper mental threshold. Simply put I thought the film was rotten in spite of the two lead characters strong performances. I gave it a 4 out of 10 rating.