The story of the Canadian invasion of Normandy on a beach called Juno. The Canadians were under the command of the British. They were tasked, like everyone else, with certain objectives and given a timetable. And like everyone else, there was a great deal of chaos the night of June 5th and the morning of the 6th. For example, at 5:35 AM June 6th (sunrise will occur at 5:58 AM) 29 amphibious tanks are launched from the US 741st Infantry division, 6 km from Omaha beach. 27 will sink. There are a crew of 5 per tank. The Canadians will experience similar losses at Juno. Paratroopers will land far from the rally point the night prior to the invasion. They will be dispersed and need to find their own way and meet objectives such as taking out German 88s before the bulk of the invasion forces land.
At 6:15 AM, landing craft from Commonwealth forces head towards the beaches.
At 7:20 AM, the naval bombardements on Gold, Juno, and Sword end.
At 7:25 AM, obstacle clearing and demining tanks and vehicles land on Gold, Juno, and Sword.
At 7:45 AM The 3rd Canadian Infantry Division lands on Juno. They will take many casualties securing the beach.
Note: The timetables I provided are the correct ones. The ones in the film may not be as the sunlight on the actors does not jive with the time. If you can get past the hokey special effects this is a very watchable and accurate docudrama based on real events.