This film essentially begins with a 30-year-old man by the name of "Finn" (Eric Toms) continuing his college education--like the previous 11 years before that--with no other thought than chasing female students and getting wasted on alcohol or drugs. In short, Finn is a loser who cannot bear the prospect of ever growing up. However, as fate would have it, this time around he is forced to share his dorm room with a student named "Toby MacKenzie" (Todd Gaebe) who has just turned 15 and needs a mentor to help him adjust to college life. To that effect, Finn takes Toby under his wing and decides to teach him everything he knows, which, other than getting drunk and subsequently rejected by most college girls, is practically nothing at all. Things change, however, when they meet a college bully named "Landon" (Darrel Chaney) who, after humiliating Finn, inadvertently gives him a reason to exist--by getting even with him one way or another. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film was one of those low-budget college movies which basically followed the same standard plot as so many others that have already preceded it. The only difference is that this film was extremely crude and featured rather bad acting--especially on the part of Todd Gaebe. That being said, if you like crude humor and bad acting, then this comedy is just for you. But everyone else might want to consider avoiding it altogether.