Way back in the day before Stonewall, public bathrooms called tea rooms were a great way for gay men to hook up. Gay bars weren't much better they were subject to raids and if two males were even in close proximity during a raid they could be arrested. So you might as well go to the tea rooms and take a chance on at least getting your load unleashed before facing the law.
There was certainly an element of danger, but that was part of the high. Personally I never saw anything in having sex in a men's room and never have. But I knew people well into the Eighties and Nineties years after Stonewall, still hooked up in those places.
The Sodomy Laws were insidious and any police department who wanted to ratchet up their arrest records just set up a sting like you see here in Caught. When you consider how many man hours and how much taxpayer's money was spent in these endeavors it's kind of scary. But people who were afraid of the notoriety could get extorted for silence from the cops. Otherwise it was prison for those Caught.
Set in 1962 Ohio some hotshot police department sets up a sting in a public restroom in a roadstop. Just bait the queers with hunky undercover and reel them in.
Caught should be shown to young LGBT audiences as a reminder of what it was like before Stonewall. And what it is still like in less enlightened places on the globe.