Plot : Tirupathi (Nitin Kumar Reddy) is a brilliant man who wants to become a realtor, much to the chagrin of his father (Chandramohan), who doesn't support his goal. Eventually Tirupati wins the heart of a rich girl, Priya (Sadha), sister of a business tycoon and villainous Guru (Sayaji Shinde). He realizes his ambition in real estate. The Guru wants him to drop his sister; Tirupati in return demands money. The villain gives him a cheque from a dubious bank. However, Tirupathi gets his money as he blackmails the heroine's brother, threatening to expose some photos. The villain also plans an IT raid on Tirupathi's companies. However, that plan backfires. Then Guru tries to get his sister married to another, but the hero marries her. The story ends with Tirupathi returning all the money taken from the Guru, who finally accepts the marriage.
Analysis : First of all Story is outdated.Director did not continue his magic after Ranam movie.screenplay is bad.Editing is not bad.Songs are below average.Performance wise Nitin is Ease with pokiri guy.he did justice.Sadha is not impreesed with her acting but Entertain with her glamour.sayaji shinde is okay.Rest of the characters are just okay.We cannot find comedy in this movie.Actions scenes are not good.Finally,We can watch once for Sadha galmour Because Before Takkari Movie Sadha is not doing such a type of glamour roles and Now she is slime.she did lose a weight for this film.Sadha exposed a bit in this movie.