'Deinfluencer' is one of those 'straight to DVD' films that used to exist back in the days of 'physical media,' only now it's probably more fitting to say 'straight to streaming service.' It's cheap, but whereas that could be considered an insult to some movies, this is 'cheap' simply in terms of it being set in one single place, almost as if it's a stage play that's been adapted for moving pictures.
A masked man kidnaps a social media 'influencer' in an attempt at making her see what - he believes - is the true 'reality' of her lifestyle/profession.
It's heavy on social commentary and is pretty blunt in terms of its 'politics' and perhaps your enjoyment of the overall film will be based on how much you agree with today's obsession of documenting your whole life online for the world to see.
As I say, it's all set in one place, i.e. The secluded place where the hostage is kept. Therefore, you basically know that neither the victim, nor the kidnapper are going to be killed in the opening ten minutes, so you have to wait the full hour and a half before finding out either of their true fates.
Now, both leads perform well, but maybe the main criticism is the film's length. Despite the engaging performances the film does go on a bit too long. About halfway through you're probably going to 'get' all the points being made, so anything else that follows does feel like they're really going overboard with their hatred of social media and the like.
However, I did enjoy the performances and the social commentary made a change. There are a couple of things within the story that you might not see coming, but even me - who doesn't often pick up on 'twists - actually guessed a couple of things that were to come. Overall, not a bad hour and a half if you find it on a streaming service.