I know a lot of people found it dull, uncreative, repetitive, and too dependent on current trends in society and pop culture. But I disagree for the most part. They successfully found a fun way to bring elements from many previous episodes, and merge them together with a mockery of modern day streaming services as the glue. They make a lot of great critical points about streaming services in fun, hilarious ways. Like how anybody can "sell content" for streaming services, how quickly they get canceled, and how the content can be garbage and yet people will still pay for it. And don't forget how competitive the streaming business has become in such a short period of time.
On top of all that, you have the usual antics from Cartman, driven by his greedy, incessant need for attention and material gain. And the boys are the focal point of one of the three main story arcs of course that play a part in the mockery of streaming services. And the story of Tegridy Weed continues. And yes, I do agree, South Park should be all about the boys and not so much about Randy and his farm, but I don't feel like he really hogs the limelight.
And to those complaining about it being oversaturated with parodies and references to current news, where have you been the last 10 seasons? That's basically what they do now, and have been doing for some time.
Overall it's pretty funny, not the best, but when you take a step back to see what the creators are doing, it certainly becomes an episode worthy of watching. On a streaming service of course.