Talking about spending and without discussing how so called conservatives slashed revenue tells only half the story. Aside from WW2, we paid our bills up until Reagan.
Lyndon Johnson (D) cut taxes for the top bracket from 90% to 70% in 1964.
***Reagan and Bush 41 cut taxes on the top bracket from 70% to 28% from 1980-1986. That's a 42% tax cut for the wealthiest Americans.***
Clinton (D)raised taxes on the top bracket from 28 to 39%. We ran a budget surplus from 1998-2001.
Bush 43 created Dept. Homeland Security (huge) installed the unfunded prescription drug benefit, $700 billion in debt by 2015, and cut taxes for the top bracket to 35% during two wars (?)
Obama (D) wants to raise taxes 4% on the top bracket. If that helps us pay our bills, fine. I'm upper middle class. I can handle 4% more taxes to live in a balanced budget USA.
For the millionaires and billionaires who don't want to do their part, there's always Dubai. 90% up to 1964 and 70% up to 1981 seems draconian, but 39% isn't anything to cry about. We have the fifth lowest taxes in the developed world.
Why anyone in the US middle class would be so horny for Reagan has always baffled me. He talked a good game while he screwed us.
If 'conservatives' are so into personal responsibility, how about paying for the roads, bridges, schools, social security, and national security we all use, rather than borrowing tax cuts from our two time 20th Century proxy war opponent?