Looking for LGBTQ+ Dutch films to write a paper about - on that front this is marvelous, an unapologetically queer film that fully embraces itself and reveals gender and sexuality as entirely fluid concepts. Not a fan of its direct lecturing, educating the unaware audience of drag history through a character who is consistently treated as some sort of mouthpiece for the entire community. Generally the film is eye-rollingly on-the-nose, blatantly stating its themes and emotional stakes (the utterly pointless narration is the epitome of this) while, ironically, remaining obfuscated, the central relation so criminally underdeveloped that the inevitable confrontation where insults and accusations fly across the room leaves you cold - not knowing whether those accusations have any basis in reality, you can merely imagine, not interpret (let alone have an actual stance). There are some effective threads, like the lead's trouble accepting polyamory, but if they're not weaved into solid attire, who would possibly want to wear it.