Desperate to leave her small-town, a woman and her friends attempt to revive a long-dead vampire master for fun and games, but when they realize the spell has become real and the vampire chooses her as a new bride the spirit of the vampire hunter that killed him arrives to save her.
This one wasn't too bad of an effort. One of the film's best aspects is the way in which this one manages to keep the action going so there's always something going on. That the opening attack on the vampire in the past which details the reasoning for the haunted backstory of the locale shows the attacks with plenty of action and fun indie effects. The resurrection ceremony they perform in the desert has some fantastic cheesy ritualistic actions that spell the ceremony is working as they carry on. With the cutaways to his seduction of the girls in their nightgowns that go along with their continued prayers, there's a great injection of attitude that carries over into the battles between the now possessed hunter and the vampires attempting to take the one girl back to the vampire as the ceremony takes place. The other enjoyable feature here is the setup that gives the action some fine grounding in some logical reasoning. The amount of work here to showcase the homelife to turn her into the dark arts, with the abusive situation there, inattentive parents dealing with their own issues instead of her and hanging out with the Goth friends around the school is all wrapped together to paint a solid picture is why she feels the need to partake in these rituals. Alongside the nudity and some fine gore, there's a lot to really like here. There are a few flaws to be had in the film. The main problem is the wholly underwhelming low-budget tone which carries itself on through much of the running time. The low-budget look of the whole town they live in, the guerilla look of their scenes meeting up together and the general indie vibe throughout here with scenes that serve no purpose only to get their friends on-screen come through readily as there's very little to break up that tone which is a huge distraction. The other issue here is the lead vampire who carries the air of a cosplayer assuming the role of a vaguely European vampire, given his penchant for pseudo-intellectual gibberish masquerading as a regal class and the propensity for hilarious gesticulating during seduction scenes. These end up making him seem like a goofy hindrance than an actual threat and are what really hold this one back.
Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.